Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hills for Song of Blades and Heroes

This is the second quick terrain project from the terrain night at Village Games in Anoka, MN.  We are preparing for our Song of Blades and Heroes campaign, and terrain from each player is required.

Hills will be covered later on this blog, so here's a quick rundown:

These hills are made from 3/4" thick expanded polystyrene-  It's the white foam that leaves those little beads all over the place.  It's not my preferred material, but I had quite a bit lying around the house.  Extruded is better; it's easier to shape, sand, paint,etc.  This is the stuff that usually comes in pink or blue.

We simply drew the shape we wanted our hills to be on the foam in black marker and cut it out with a utility knife.  And sharp edges or rough spots were cleaned up.  The pieces were then brush painted black and left to dry. 

Once almost dry, a thich layer of white glue was applied to the hills and a generous coating of ground cover was applied.  The excess was tapped off, and the hill was allowed to dry overnight.

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